Issue: You have a camera on the camera network that you need to access the web interface to turn motion on or make another adjustment. Back before NAT you would need to physically connect a laptop to the back of the recorder to the camera network in order to configure the cameras. This would mean someone would have to physically be at the site in order to configure the cameras. With NAT rules we do not need someone physically onsite in order to configure the cameras. The recorder will allow you to do port forwarding in order to reach the cameras web interface.
Resolution: Turn NAT on in the recorder so you can access the web interface of the cameras.
Open Setup if you are at the recorder or Remote Setup if you are using Starnet.
Click on Network.
Click on NAT and check the Use NAT box.
Click the "+" button at the bottom right of the table.
This opens a new window. Lets take a quick look at this new Window:
Title= What you would like to name the rule. It can be anything you want.
Type= IP Type. You can only use IPv4.
Action= What you want the rule to do. The only selection is Port Forwarding.
Protocol= the rule needs to use to communicate with the device on the other side of the firewall.
Interface= Has 2 options. One for each of the networks on the recorder.
IP= Has two options one for each network on the recorder. The option on the left is grayed out. Option on the right is for the IP address of the device you want to connect to on the camera side of the network. (Most likely an IP address of a camera).
Port= has 2 option. The one on the left is the port number used on the network client. The port number on the right is for the port number of the device you want to connect to (most common port is 80).
To setup port forwarding You will only need fill in the Port numbers and the ip address of the camera.
Change the Port below eth0:WAN (NETWORK CLIENT) to 80 (Default Web Server port for most IP Cameras)
Change the IP below eth1:VIN (Video-in) to the IP Address of the camera.
Change the Port below eth1:VIN (Video-In) to 80.
Click OK at the bottom of the window and then Apply.
Click on WAN on the left side to get the IP address of the recorder.
Now you should be able to open a web browser and enter the IP Address of the recorder and the cameras Web interface will open.
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